Thursday 8 May 2014

Acceledent Castle Hill - Accelerated Teeth Straightening Solutions

When you have straight teeth, you can smile with confidence.  It also provides you with the benefits of being able to speak well and have a clean mouth.  When your teeth are crooked, you miss out on these things.  However, we have good news for you.  You really can get your perfect smile quickly, conveniently and effortlessly.  When you have Acceledent Castle Hill, no one needs to be aware that you are even being treated.  The treatment period is also drastically reduced.  This allows you to continue on with your life without any significant interruptions and achieve your perfect smile all at the same time.

What Is AcceleDent?

This system is among the latest orthodontic treatment technologies.  It has been designed to complement all kinds of orthodontic treatments.  It enhances the orthodontic forces that are usually applied by braces, Invisalign and other orthodontic devices.  Therefore, it reduces the time required for treatment by as much as fifty percent.  A removable, non-invasive mouthpiece is made to fit with your orthodontics.  You just need to bite on the mouthpiece in order to get the activiator started for 20 minutes every day.

How To Use AcceleDent

You need to have a strong enough bite to enable you to do things while you have the device inside your mouth.  Teeth movement is enhanced through a technology that comfortably and safely stimulate bone remodeling.  When you go to the orthodontist, she or he will inform you on how quickly your teeth have moved using AcceleDent.  Usually Castle Hill orthodontists will measure teeth movement so that they can determine how fast your teeth are moving.  When you first start using AccelDent, it's possible that you may feel a tingling sensation inside your mouth.  However, this usually subsides when you mouth starts getting accustomed to the vibrations.

How To Care For Your AcceleDent

Your AcceleDent can be cleaned after each use through washing the mouthpiece out with warm water.  It is also recommended that you brush the mouthpiece with mild soap or toothpaste occasionally.  Clean the metal contacts using cotton swabs.  The activator can also be cleaned by using a damp cloth.

How To Charge The Device

After your AcceleDent has been fully charged, you normally can use it five times before it needs to be recharged.  It is recommended that the only time you should charge the device is when the battery gauge is indicating that it has a low battery.

AcceleDent Benefits

The great benefit you receive from the use of AcceleDent is your orthodontic treatment is accelerated without the desired result from the treatment being compromised.  Patient of any age, including adults and teens, can use AcceleDent.  It is totally safe for all age groups.  AcceleDent is hands-free.  Therefore, you can do other tasks at the same time that your teeth are being straightened.

This device is comfortable to use and very light.  You won't have a hard time using AcceleDent.  Some of the finest orthodontists that specialize in administrating AcceleDent are in Castle Hill.  One of these specialists is Dr. John Mamutil.  He is an accomplished orthodontist who has practiced orthodontics for more than twenty years.  He has an abundance of experiencing in providing AcceleDent treatment for his patients.

AcceleDent Castle Hill

Suite 22: Level 1
7 - 9 Barwell Avenue
